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So far, 34 cases of West Nile fever have been registered in Serbia, and three people have died, Serbian TV RTS reports.

The most sick people are in Belgrade.

West Nile virus infection is not transmitted from person to person, but only through a mosquito bite.

Dangerous mosquitoes attacked Italy

Epidemiologist Ivana Begović Lazarevic explains that in 80 percent of cases the disease is asymptomatic.

About 20 percent of cases have flu-like symptoms, BTA reported. 

Unfortunately, less than one percent of people who become infected have much more serious symptoms, such as severe headaches, neck stiffness, disorientation, coma, convulsions, paralysis, and such cases require hospitalization, the doctor explained.

13 cases of West Nile fever have been registered in Greece

All 11 severe cases of Western low fever in Belgrade were hospitalized, mostly people over 50 years of age.

According to the doctor, in order to protect ourselves from mosquito bites, it is most important to wear long sleeves and trousers, as well as not to walk in nature when mosquitoes are most active - early morning and evening.


West Nile fever
