The Agency for Financial Support in agriculture last year paid close to 150 million euros for various types of support for agriculture and rural development.

The annual report of its work reveals that in 2021, 9.120 billion denars have been allocated to farmers.

Until December 31 of last year, funds worth close to 120 million euros or close to 7.5 billion denars were paid for various programs for financial support in agriculture, while close to 1.6 billion denars were paid for rural development.

1.715.800.869.00 denars or close to 28 million euros were paid for plant production.

2.5 million euros were spent to support green oil.

At the same time, 144,477,749.00 denars were paid for agricultural insurance premiums.

5,477,168,638.00 denars were paid for the remaining obligations from previous years,

as a result of unpaid subsidies from previous years.

At the same time, part of the funds are dedicated to help with the purchase of tractors.

Last year, the European Union participated with close to 7 million euros in grants or non-refundable funds for farmers and agribusiness in the country for the various programs of IPARD.

2.3 million euros have been paid from the national co-financing, or in other words 457 users have received close to 9.5 million euros from various IPARD programs for agricultural mechanization, equipment for production and processing, construction and capacity expansion, support for tourism and development rural etc.

Last month, subsidies worth 1.3 billion denars were paid to 17,280 tobacco growers.

It should also be noted that the agricultural calendar or the payment of subsidies does not coincide with the calendar year, because according to the law, subsidies must be paid by the end of June every year.

Or in other words, they are paid in different periods throughout a calendar year.

On the other hand, the agriculture subsidy program for this year envisages harmonization with the policies of the European Union.

According to the Ministry of Agriculture, a pilot measure for horticulture, a part of the subsidy will be paid in advance.

This means that the financial support will be received in two installments.

In the cultivation of trees for this year, linear subsidy and advance subsidies are foreseen.

The measure is in line with the European Union's policy of paying the same amount to everyone,

The innovation is that the payment for this measure will be made throughout the year, in the period September-December 2022.

All fruit producers will receive 12,000 denars in advance from the total amount of the basic subsidy, while the rest will be paid next year as before.

For example, if the total support for one hectare of apples is 50,000 denars, 12,000 denars will be paid in advance by the end of this year, while another 38,000 denars will arrive in the account by May next year.

With this model, tree growers will receive the money in two installments.

A similar payment model is expected to be established in plant production where food for humans and animals, raw materials for industry, etc., vegetable cultivation and viticulture are grown.

At the same time, the legal regulations will also be changed in order for the Paying Agency to be able to realize 30 percent of the payment,

before the administrative works and field checks are completed.
