North Macedonia held the first intergovernmental conference with the EU, which officially started the negotiations for membership in the Union.

After the first intergovernmental conference, the European Commission immediately started the screening process, which contains 35 chapters.

Telegraph Macedonia will inform you about the content of each chapter that North Macedonia must go through.

Chapter 34: Institutions

This chapter covers the institutional and procedural rules of the EU.

When a country joins the EU, adjustments must be made to these rules to ensure equal representation of this country in EU institutions (European Parliament, Council, Commission, Courts of Justice) and other bodies and the good functioning of decision-making procedures (such as voting rights, official languages ​​and other procedural rules) as well as European Parliament elections.

The EU rules in this chapter do not affect the internal organization of a member state, but acceding countries must ensure that they are able to participate fully in EU decision-making by setting up the necessary bodies and mechanisms at home and by elected or appointed well-prepared representatives in EU institutions.

Otherwise, in addition to the EU chapters, North Macedonia has also signed a protocol with Bulgaria, which also contains some recommendations and obligations, which must be fulfilled by both countries, in order to avoid obstacles in North Macedonia's membership in BE./Telegraph/