Open the meaning of "jasmine flower" with properties that are more than fragrance.

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10 Aug. 2022 3:57 p.m.





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Giving jasmine flowers on Mother's Day

It is one of the activities that Thai people have practiced for a long time.

But at the same time, jasmine has a deeper meaning and has many more properties than a symbol of Mother's Day only.

meaning of jasmine

Why we use jasmine flowers as a symbol of Mother's Day.

Because it has a meaning like a mother's pure love for her child unfailingly.

as well as the fragrance of jasmine

with a long lasting fragrance

because it blooms all year round

which in addition to bringing jasmine flowers to give to the mother

It is also popular to make a beautiful garland to worship monks or bring it to mother on Mother's Day.

The jasmine garland is like worshiping the benefactor mother of the children.

properties of jasmine

In addition to the fragrance and symbolizes Mother's Day.

Every part of jasmine also has medicinal properties.

Can be used as a herb to relieve symptoms as well by the Faculty of Pharmacy.

Chiang Mai University

has disclosed medicinal information about jasmine as follows

  • Jasmine root

    helps relieve many diseases.

    Aches and pains, sprains, and scurvy

    Can help treat bronchitis

    If the roots are brought to the rain to eat with water, they can be used to cure the heat inside.

    People with chest disease

    To bring about 1-1.5 grams of roots, boiled water can help.

  • Jasmine leaves

    help treat abdominal pain, distension, diarrhea. If the leaves are pounded and dissolved in lime water, points to bruises, chronic wounds, and skin diseases will heal faster.

    as well as helping to nourish the eyes

    and excrete the milk of pregnant women as well

  • Jasmine flowers

    help cure dysentery, abdominal pain, if thoroughly pounded on the temples.

    Relieves headaches and middle ear pain

    It also helps heal blisters.

    Solve poisonous insect bites

    as well as being an excellent heart tonic as well

  • volatile aroma

    Extracted from jasmine oil, it has a soothing effect.

    anti depression

    Reduce fear, reduce pain, stimulate milk.

    menstrual pain relief

    Balance hormones and help reduce shortness of breath.

    It also nourishes dry and sensitive skin.

    If mixed with other plants

    It helps the skin to be more flexible.

There are many species of plants in the jasmine family.

For in Thailand, there are both native species of Thailand.

and varieties imported from abroad

There are both creepers and shrubs waiting to climb.

Including the color of jasmine petals that are not only white but also yellow.

Some varieties are fragrant and some are not.

Reference: Faculty of Pharmacy

Chiang Mai University, Department of Medical Sciences, Department of National Parks

wild animals and plants