The head of the Parliamentary Group of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo, Besnik Tahiri, has asked the Government to bring the Draft Law for public officials to the Assembly, at the latest in the middle of September.

In today's interpellation in the Assembly, with the Minister of Internal Affairs and Public Administration, Xhelal Sveçla, Tahiri said that only through the approval of this draft law and the one on salaries, the reform in the state administration is fulfilled.

According to him, without this law, a legal vacuum has been created for salary regulation in many state agencies and institutions.

"Not changing the Law on public officials, as requested by the Constitutional Court by judgment, has created what I call serious dualism, since the independent constitutional bodies apply the old Law on civil service, some have issued special regulations in the institution where they work, rearranging the operation of the institution on the basis of the old law, and have also built working relationships.

In these regulations, the rights of candidates for employment and the employees themselves are violated, where there is a lack of clarity".

"The government has three times exceeded the deadline for the Salary Law.

Our recommendation is very simple and practical.

This law should be approved by mid-September at the latest in order to create the legal basis of the wage law, which is then structurally and formally linked.

This fulfills the reform in the state administration and the obligation we have for the salary law", he said.

The debate with Minister Sveçla is continuing in the Assembly, where the parliamentary groups are presenting their position./kp/