We are on a campaign.


There is no dispute.

And those who knew that the "I Taka Natatak" (ITN) break button would be pressed are preparing for these elections long before we knew they would happen.

They knew because they had set the bomb's timer themselves. 

And for some time now, the space has been saturated with extremely filthy props and even sleazier jokes, aiming both to smear some and to raise the image of the scumbags, because they think that the Bulgarian does not differentiate between show and politics.

They think that the tellers of jokes rise in the eyes.

But they can't even write jokes, they only manage with mockery, "third grade, second term" type. 

They can do so much, what can be done. 

The assured supply of gas is ignored, the increased productivity in the country - as if it did not happen, the increase in exports - also, the fact that BDZ is turning a profit FOR THE FIRST TIME in the last 10 years ... no one thinks to mention it. 

On the other hand, we have the haji in a short-sleeved Harvard Law T-shirt in parliament, pretending to be funny, allegedly mocking Lena Borislavova

Lena Borislavova was born on October 8, 1989. She graduated from Sofia University and. Maybe he secretly likes her and is trying to win her attention, I know?

Intellectual puberty what can it come up with?

He's so far from pulling her braids. 

Emil Jassim nicely reminded us of something that we had forgotten in the whole mud circus:

the Haji's class from the Classical High School, PUBLICLY disowned him!


And he sat down to make fun of Lena, who graduated from Harvard. 

Dear reader, how did we get to people in t-shirts mocking someone from the rostrum of the National Assembly for graduating from a prestigious university? 

How did we let these intellectual dwarfs rule us?

Who wanted THIS representation in parliament?

Where did we sleep during this time? 

I'll quote part of Jassim's post: “

PS Short sleeve in Parliament... Straight forward with the diagonal next time.

Fuck the wretch"[…] "And I really don't know where such an intellectual and political caricature like you gets this self-confidence


We overdosed, it seems to me, with chalga-patriotism, tracksuit-class and mutro-intellectuality, which reek of stolen jokes and garlic.

Teachers have given them knowledge and skills which they have transformed into a mockery scheme, others of them have been given the music, they have transformed it into a money bag.

Finally, given power and the state in their hands, they turned it into everything they know: taunts and taunts… and stolen laughs. 

But it will get worse...

I came across, through the miracle of Facebook's sharing and discovery algorithm, a social experiment by Georgi Koprinov, who labored to calculate the GPA of Bulgarian 12th grade students. 

It's scary. 

Here is what he wrote: "

There are just over 900 secondary schools in Bulgaria.

Of them, nearly half cannot pass 3.50, and nearly 1/3 have below 3.00!

After 12 years of education, our education system spits out doomed semi-literate people who enter life, create families with relevant values, generate GDP, vote... These people will be required by life to manage family finances, sign contracts for all kinds of services, choose a partner, raise the next generation and, according to the laws of democracy, participate in determining our common future.

And in 20 years, when they are already in their prime, to pay our pensions."


"...the average GPA of all 12th graders from all over Bulgaria is 3.47.

This includes all elite high schools and private schools!

In this context, it is not surprising that our society has readily accepted the suggestion that being smart and beautiful is a bad thing, and it seems that it is about to anathematize a Harvard education as well.

This semi-literate mass already acts primarily on instinct, which tells it to free itself from the different.

So the few smart kids go to study abroad, where they settle down.

And here we naively rely on the young generation..."

A new generation of believers in chemtrails, witches, red threads, lessons, sugar on the roads instead of repairs, Vanga, Putin, the most ancient nation, the world conspiracy...

I thought about writing about the props too, but they aren't even props anymore.

The level has dropped so much that the scriptwriters of "Transition" - one thing, they don't try anymore, secondly, they have to take two or three more turns off the potentiometer for stupidity, because they dumbed down the audience so much that they had to simplify the script.

They are already fishing for carp with walking sticks, because the hooks are too sophisticated for these fish and do not work.

This is how the support for Russian gas, which we buy from Greece, was born.

Oh!... this one will still spin in space and again, and again - pre-election. 

This is also how the blindness of the prosecutor's office, which always looks the other way for the big players, goes.

No evidence, huh!—what to do.

There is no! 

And there is no corruption!

And the trumpet was not Putin's!

It was a Balkan stream, not "Russian". 

And Putin was right, not the whole civilized world!

The civilized world is dumb "American" and "Harvard" gendered, guys who don't even smell garlic, what kind of men they are, what kind of statesmen!

What?... Still wondering about Greece and Russian gas a few lines up?

OK, let's explain.

Greece has its own production, there is import from Russia, there is import from Azerbaijan, there is import from the USA, Algeria, Egypt, Qatar, and also from other suppliers.

Just over 20% of their gas is Russian.

How exactly from the entire volume, they separate EXACTLY the Russian and without permission from Gazprom, sell it to us?

How they separate it is of particular interest to me.

How do they choose exactly which molecules of the mix in the repository are Russian to grab and - to the amusement of our snickers and props - send them to us? 

But... come to think of it, Dureva also wrote an entire article on quotes from Paul Christie, who doesn't exist, who was the executive director of the Institute for Global Perspectives at Columbia University, who also doesn't exist, in an interview with the "famous" German weekly European Economic Journal, which also does not exist. 

Did you like Velislava Dureva's article "There is no battle for Ukraine.

There is a war against Russia'?

The important thing is to make fun of Harvard, to wear funny t-shirts to the parliament (soon - and diagonal ones), to set a bright example for the new generation of triathletes who will live on the sanitary minimum thinking for a human being - as long as they know how to tie themselves shoes and don't forget to breathe.

So... it's fun, it's nice, and there's music everywhere. 

Lena Borislavova


Lena Borislavova

The Z-People


gas supplies


And So Onward (ITN)
