NSPM's first major survey on the views of Serbian citizens on all the most important issues that have been raised in the past weeks and months - sanctions against Russia, EU and NATO entry, as well as the idea of ​​a "Balkan open".

All these topics and internal political games are under the deep shadow of a major event in the east of Europe, which fundamentally changes the planetary political geography.

About 82 percent would not want to join the European Union if the recognition of Kosovo's independence is a condition.

Also, about 55 percent of citizens support the "Open Balkans" with the participation of three countries - Albania, North Macedonia and Serbia,

Nova reports.

She reacted spontaneously and instinctively, showing an almost unbelievable and unreserved solidarity and empathy with the Russian side, to an extent that surprised even the local Russophiles (perhaps Moscow itself) and brought the local professional "Europeans" to the brink of hysteria and despair.

Over 80 percent of Serbian citizens are against the imposition of sanctions against Russia, and this percentage has increased by about two percent compared to the first poll two months ago.

At the same time, support for eventual NATO membership, which had never been high and mostly hovered around ten percent, fell to a historic low.

Otherwise, the public opinion research did not include the Serbian citizens of Kosovo.
