If you're trying to learn something new, whatever it is, a new rule dispels the belief that you have to work hard to succeed.

The rule that experts recommend to follow if you want to learn something more easily and quickly is called the "85% rule".

Yale University research shows that when we push ourselves to act outside of our comfort zone, neurons that function as learning centers are activated in our brain.

On the other hand, a group of scientists believe that when we push ourselves to give it our all, mental and physical collapse comes sooner.

So where exactly is the balance that brings success after applying the 85% rule?

The answer was given after a large research conducted jointly by the universities of Arizona, Princeton and Brown.

What they studied was how much they had to push themselves to learn more easily.

The results confirmed a simple rule.

Learning comes when you are 85% successful at what you are trying to achieve.

You have a 15% that allows you to fail and acts as a success criterion.

So if you find that you are not following the rule, the next time you want to learn something, try to set yourself a bigger challenge.
