just a ritual

lightning rod

23 Jul 2022 5:48 a.m.





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Just the sapwood is not at the core...

The opposition's no-confidence debate until the 4 days and 4 nights of the vote has seen better developments.

But most of the issues that are discussed are old stories, so they can be rewritten and less interesting.

The important thing is that the government's side smiles and doesn't stress too much.

But the stressful thing seems to be more of a "banana" story, which is reported to have been negotiated to increase the price according to the severity of the issue being attacked.

What should be important is the government with the Prime Minister as the country's leader.

who do not know how much to listen to the discussion for themselves

Or listen only to your own story...

In fact, if you listen closely, you will see that even the majority of ministers will be saved.

because the information is not yet available, just squint

therefore unable to be cool

With the government's greater support, ministers tend to survive only with fewer points.

So he can still hold his position...

But if the Prime Minister has listened to the discussion with a bit of enthusiasm, it can be seen that there are many parts that suggest that there is a peculiarity.

Simply put, there is a fraud, but there is no "receipt" to confirm only.

This is an issue that lies within the responsibility of government leaders.

If thinking of running the country with transparency, solving corruption and misconduct

However, solving such problems is actually quite difficult.

Because the government leaders themselves may be viewed like that as well.

The more a coalition government like this, it has become a matter of etiquette that is often not done.

If not really broke

is to allow each party to be responsible for managing themselves

Because the coalition government is not different from the water, relying on the tiger boat, relying on the jungle.

If there is conflict amongst themselves, the government will not survive.

due to insufficient sound support

So we have to live together like this.

Even though I know what is

important in Thai political society.

Unlike some countries where politicians are responsible and have the spirit of knowing what to do, they will accept the truth.

Do not make other people upset.

But in Thailand, the front face is unbearable, doesn't care what anyone thinks or how they feel.

Until it becomes normal, endure it for a while and then forget

each other.

Thai politics and open debates and distrust are therefore just


in political movements and not a solution to problems.

Everyone survived in order to continue their position.

Corruption is more common than political costs are quite high.

in order to generate income for political management

In many past governments where political parties were political businesses, there were “owners” who run the ministers who had to earn money to pay for the party.

Anyone who resists and does not follow the rules must be dismissed and changed.

"lightning rod"