The Bulgarian Orthodox Church honors the memory of St.

prophet Elijah - one of the greatest among the Old Testament righteous, a powerful denouncer of paganism and a harbinger of true faith in the One God.

Ilinden in the old style is celebrated on August 2, and in the new style - on July 20.

Saint Elijah is revered by all Christians as the greatest biblical prophet and, together with Moses, one of the two greatest Old Testament men.

In mythological representations, the saint walks across the sky in a golden chariot and pursues the lama who grazes the grain.

Since ancient times, the Christian church has called him a "prophet and predictor of God's great works", "an angel in the flesh" and "forerunner of the second coming of Christ".

From today the weather turns, the autumn winds begin to blow, there are waves and dead current.

You don't go to the beach because you think that on that day the sea takes a victim on that day.

In the Bulgarian folk calendar, Ilinden is the biggest summer holiday during harvest and threshing.

Furriers, saddlers and bakers also celebrate on this day, because the prophet is their patron.

Name day is celebrated by - Ilia, Iliana Iliko, Ilika, Ilin, Ilina, Ilinko, Ilinka, Bozhko, Bojana, Bojinko, Bojinka, etc.