Body language expert Inbal Honigman and therapist Julia Jennings explain how body posture and posture affect your confidence and personality

They provide a list of five different body postures that reveal to others what your personality is like.

Improper posture can cause various physical pains, especially in the back.

On the other hand, the way you sit, walk or stand affects the psychological image you give to others and reveals at first glance whether you are insecure, confused or afraid.

For example, if you stand with your back straight, you will give others the impression that you are a trustworthy person and open to communication and cooperation, Telegrafi reports.

Leaning forward can also have positive results that you are a person - attentive and a good listener, but keeping your body in such a position for a long time can irritate the interlocutor.

Julia Jennings and Inbal Honigman have provided a list of five different effects of your attitude on others:

Strong stance

If you straighten your back and throw your shoulders back, others will see you as a very strong and confident person, advises Honigmans.

She says that if your attitude is strong, your body is open and kind, you will impress others and convey the attitude of a trustworthy person.

Work on your attitude and invest in it, because it will pay off in the end", she emphasized.

On the other hand, Jennings looks at the physical importance of upright posture.

"A strong, straight body position is one of the healthiest ways to exercise that will reduce back pain and improve circulation," she advised.

She remembered how the spine naturally has three curves – at the neck, mid-back and sacrum, and that correct posture will not compromise them, which is even more desirable.

Irregular posture

A sloppy posture gives you the impression of a weak person, but it also makes you less attractive.

This attitude at the employer or at some important events presents you as a nervous or disinterested person.

In body language terminology, slumped shoulders indicate that you are closed off, disinterested in events, but also that you feel a touch of fear and tension, Honigmans explained.

"This gives the impression that you don't care about the situation or the event you are in, nor the people around you.

To most people, you will not look attractive when they see you in a reclining posture.

Just imagine what impression you will make in a job interview," she said.

Jennings explains that this posture causes a lot of strain on the spine, which spreads further into the neck and then causes chest pain.

Crouching posture

Leaning slightly forward while talking to someone shows that you are attentive and a good listener, but you can also very easily become an irritating person if you hold your body this way for a long time.

"The tilt of the body is something that we do naturally when we want to attract someone's attention or if we want to hear the interlocutor more clearly", said Honigmanova and added that although this posture seems to take care of the interlocutor, it does not reflect.

any faith.

Jennings explained that this behavior creates frequent neck, back and shoulder pain.

Avoidance pose

Those who put their body in an avoidance position give a sign that they reject everything around them and leave a bad impression on others.

This posture of an "innocent bystander" with a limp body, as described by experts, looks very strained, while the body language gives the image that you would rather be somewhere else than where you are now.

Also, it affects the health of the spine very badly and creates tension.

Defensive stance

"The defensive posture of the body is literally a sign of renunciation and is caused by excessive use of cell phones.

The defensive position is also called the "head forward position", Honigman emphasized.

The head is bent in front of the shoulders, thus creating an unnatural posture for your body.

"Your lives are run by screens and protection is usually caused by being glued to your phones for hours on end," she says.

Therapist Jennings explains that this behavior weakens circulation, while the body does not receive enough oxygen.

