The Russian Embassy believes that the cartoons are slanderous and offensive, and their publication may violate the articles of the Criminal Code of Switzerland on the dissemination of information that disgraces the honor and dignity of third parties, as well as defamation.

As DW notes, the reason for the appeal was the material that appeared in the newspaper on July 9.

The article was devoted to a meme related to the war in Ukraine.

In addition, the article is accompanied by a caricature of Putin with a clown nose and a rainbow on his face.

The tweet is accompanied by the hashtag "Putin is a war criminal."

Another tweet in the article shows the Russian president in his office, sitting on the toilet.

The caricatures outraged the Russian embassy.

"As for the personality of the president of Russia, he is known to be a deeply religious Orthodox person and advocates the preservation of traditional Christian values ​​in Russian society (and is clearly not a supporter of the LGBT community, which is why the rainbow coloring of his face, as they say in Russia , "neither to the village nor to the city")", the Russian Embassy writes.

The diplomatic mission called the definition of "war criminal" in relation to Putin used in the material "an unsubstantiated direct insult."

The Russian embassy did not like the image of the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky in the image of a Marvel comics hero.

The newspaper Neue Zürcher Zeitung has not yet commented on the letter.

After the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Western media published quite a few caricatures of Vladimir Putin.