NASA prepares to reveal results

James Webb Camera

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11 Jul. 2022 08:01 a.m.





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United States National Aeronautics and Space Administration

NASA says it will soon reveal the first cosmic image from the James Webb Space Telescope, which combines an unprecedented view of a galaxy or galaxies far away.

including the bright nebula

and giant gas planets in the distance.

Astronomers from the Space Telescope Science Institute (STSI), which oversees the James Webb Space Telescope, said the international committee decided that the first lot of the full-color scientific imagery would be the most accurate.

There will be an image of the Carina Nebula, a gigantic cloud of dust and gas.

Its distinctive feature is its towering column-like shape.

It is 7,600 light-years away, along with the Southern Ring Nebula, surrounded by dying stars.

which is 2,000 light years away.

The James Webb Space Telescope also analyzed the light that revealed detailed information about the distant gas giant WASP-96 b, discovered in 2014, located nearly 1,150 light-years from Earth and about half its mass. one of Jupiter

It orbits its star in just 3.4 days, while also examining the compact galaxy Stephan's Quintet, located 290 million light-years away.