While paracetamol and ibuprofen are both popular over-the-counter pain relievers, frequent use of these drugs can do more harm than good.

Whether you use headache or other pain relievers, you may want to watch how much you take.

It may sound absurd that the very medicine designed to relieve pain can give you a headache.

However, the NHS warns that frequent use of paracetamol and ibuprofen can lead to so-called medication overuse headache.

He explains that those who frequently use the drug to treat tension-type headaches and migraines may be at risk.

Also known as a "rebound headache," this type of headache occurs for more than 15 days each month.

What's worse, this "serious" problem can be "very painful" and "disabling."

When it comes to medication overuse headaches, they can become a chronic, daily problem that often occurs without any specific features.

This pain reliever headache usually occurs when you have been using the medication for three months or more.

In addition to paracetamol and ibuprofen, there are other medications associated with headache, including triptans, opioids and ergots.
