Not one, but two asteroids roughly the size of a bus are said to be passing extremely close to Earth in the space of just a few hours.

According to foreign media, the Telegraph reports, they will both fly closer than the average distance to the Moon - but will still remain tens of thousands of kilometers away from our planet.

This means they will "leave us safe", all the while putting on a wonderful show for astronomers.

As stated further, the first, '2022 NE', is expected to fly by the Earth on Wednesday (12:55 Wednesday, Pristina).

With a length of 6 meters it was expected to come as close as 136,000 kilometers from us.

While the second, "2022 NF", will pass much closer to Earth at 89,300 km on Thursday.

It is thought to be slightly larger than 2022 NE at 7 meters in size.

Otherwise, the average distance of the Moon from the Earth is a little less than 400,000 km.

NASA considers a "close orbit" if it is within 7.5 million km of Earth.

Asteroids fly within this distance fairly regularly, with five expected to pass "close" over the next six days.

The size of today's and tomorrow's asteroids means they pose no danger.

Small objects that enter Earth's atmosphere tend to burn up before they can cause any damage.

However, sometimes space rocks reach the planet's surface.

In 2013, a meteor shower caused extensive damage in Russia.


