Making sure your bathroom smells nice and clean is a top priority for many people.

Who wants to have guests if your bathroom does not smell as cool as possible?

Home expert Carolina McCauley posted a video packed with some bathroom cleaning tips that will make a big difference.

The first tip from Carolina is to add disinfectant to your toilet brush holder.

She says: "Cleanses and prevents odors!".

Toilet brush holders are known as centers for germs.

Adding disinfectant directly to the toilet brush holder will definitely change the way your bathroom will smell.

Her second tip is to regularly replace your bathroom rug to stop mold odor from invading.

Since bathrooms are generally small spaces, it is easy for a damp carpet to create a foul odor.

From Carolina's point of view, regular placement of dry bathroom rugs will lead to a cleaner air bath.

Another Carolina cleansing tip is to mix water with alcohol and essential oils in your bathroom.

"[Used] for an aromatic air freshener," she explains in a text bubble on the screen.

@ carolina.mccauley

🌸 How to make your bathroom smell amazing 🤩 #cleaninghacks #cleaningtips #homehacks #homehackswithcarolina

♬ Ms.

Saxon - Augie Bello

Its DIY air freshener is simple enough to create at home with three basic ingredients.

Finally, Carolina tells her viewers to keep the bathroom doors open to keep the air constantly flowing.  

/ Telegraphy /