A Ukrainian army suicide bomber targeted a Russian refinery in Novoshtinsk, Rostov-on-Don, Russia - causing a major fire.

In the amateur video that has appeared on social networks, the drone is seen flying over the refinery, and then falls on it, Telegrafi reports.

So far it has not been reported what kind of drone it is, but judging by the images it is a Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicle known as PD-1 or PD-2.

What is interesting is that the attacked refinery is located only 150 kilometers away from the line where fierce fighting is taking place between the Ukrainians and the Russians.

/ Telegraphy /

Reportedly footage of a Ukrainian UAV kamikaze strike on a Russian oil refinery in Novoshakhtinsk, Rostov Oblast.

https://t.co/SYsD7oQTwr pic.twitter.com/1MjamL30uV

- Rob Lee (@ RALee85) June 22, 2022

🔥W obwodzie rostowskim pali się refineria ropy naftowej Nowosachtinsky.

uderzenia dokonała armia #Ukraine przy pomocy drona kamikadze pic.twitter.com/hqhUJbL3Br

- ⬜️🟥⬜️ # Belarus 🤍❤️🤍 (@propeertys) June 22, 2022