The British Andy Currie claims that for 20 years he drank from 30 cans of Pepsi per day, and for the purchase of this carbonated drink he spent 8 thousand dollars a year.

He revealed that he gave up the addiction of this drink, when he underwent the hypnosis session, Telegrafi reports.

"I really liked the taste of cold Pepsi.

Nothing could get me out of my mind.

"Given that I often worked night shifts in the market, sugar has helped me stay awake," he told the South West News Service.

He quickly became addicted and could not function unless he drank at least 10 cans of this drink.

Meanwhile he started to gain weight, and reached his peak when he gained 120 kilograms and was at risk of heart disease.

However, he decided to go on a strict diet and exercise, and thus managed to lose 12 kilograms, but continued to be addicted to Pepsi.

There his wife Sarah decided to contact a hypnotist known as David Kulmurry.

He mesmerized Andy and from that moment on he did not even bother about this fizzy drink.

The session was held online and lasted only 40 minutes.

Andy managed to lose weight during the one-month period - respectively to lose six kilograms.

"I like water more now.

My wife has told me that my skin also looks prettier and I have more energy.

"I do not know what I said during the hypnosis, but I no longer want to consume Pepsi," he said.

/ Telegraphy /