Turkey's most advanced and sophisticated drone, the Bayraktar Akıncı unmanned aerial vehicle (UCAV), has successfully completed another important phase in the ammunition integration process.

According to Turkish media, the Telegraph reports, the Baykar company said that the drone has completed a shooting test with the KGK-SIHA-82 ammunition developed in the country.

And as further stated, the drone, which took off from Çorlu province in northwestern Turkey on June 14th, successfully completed the first firing test conducted for a defined sea coordinate off the coast of Sinop in the Black Sea.

#KINK-SİHA-82 (Kanatlı Güdüm Kiti) with Sinakt ı gel gel gel @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ ger


# MilliTeknolojiHamlesi ✈️🐳🚀🌍🇹🇷 pic.twitter.com/FLUfpcP8YN

- BAYKAR (@BaykarTech) June 15, 2022

Thus, electro-optical cameras in Akıncı and telemetry antennas on the ground confirmed that the 340-kilogram ammunition hit the target 30 kilometers away with high accuracy.

These devices, which entered the inventory with a ceremony attended by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan on August 29, 2021, are currently actively used by security forces in operational tasks.

So far, six Bayraktar Akıncı UCAVs have entered service.

Meanwhile, export contracts have been signed with three countries for this special combat drone.


