The next stage of research to assess the effectiveness of vaccination against a new type of coronavirus (COVID-19) infection among health workers in our country has begun.

APA reports that Gahraman Hagverdiyev, director of the Center for Public Health and Reforms (CPHR), answered questions about the large-scale study carried out by the Center for Public Health and Reforms (CPHR) with the support of the Ministry of Health and the World Health Organization.

According to him, the work done in Azerbaijan during the pandemic, announced by the World Health Organization on March 11, 2020, has prevented the spread of infection and thus many deaths, as well as more effective treatment of people with severe COVID-19. :

"The pandemic is not over yet. However, as a result of the weakening of the virus that causes the infection, very few cases (asymptomatic and less severe) are observed in many countries around the world, including Azerbaijan. However, the SARS-CoV-2 virus On the other hand, the emergence of new viral infections every 10-20 years in the last 70 years shows that it is very important to study both anti-epidemic measures and the development of vaccines and the results of vaccination.

The effectiveness of vaccination is once again confirmed in research and in our real life.

"Azerbaijan, which is one of the best countries in terms of speed, coverage and effectiveness of vaccination, has prevented many deaths and serious illnesses, primarily due to the vaccination of health workers, the elderly, people with very weakened immune systems and those suffering from chronic diseases."

Gahraman Hagverdiyev said that as soon as the pandemic began, numerous studies were launched in many developed countries:

Considering that the initial vaccination was carried out in our country with a vaccine prepared by the traditional method (Chinese-made coronavac vaccine), and booster vaccination with both Chinese vaccine and mRNA-based vaccine, it is the world's largest clinical research registration system registration in the database is provided.

During the first 9 months, significant results were achieved in the initial phase of the study, thanks to the support and active participation of 1,500 health workers working in 7 hospitals.

The results of the preliminary analysis were published in the prestigious journal Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses with an impact factor of 4.3.

These results are also of particular importance in terms of planning vaccination measures in Azerbaijan in the coming months.

Thus, the effectiveness of both vaccines in the study,

The development of immunity and the duration of protective capacity after natural infection and vaccination are also investigated.

"Given the preliminary results, the WHO and the US Centers for Disease Control (US CDC), through the Global Health Working Group, have supported this important study for another year."

He also noted that the study, conducted in Phase II, will allow to determine how long-lasting and strong immunity is after a natural infection and 2, 3 and even 4 doses of vaccination:

"In addition to COVID-19 in the fall and winter months, the second phase of the study will examine the prevalence and incidence of influenza virus in this second phase of the study, given the increased potential for influenza infection and the likelihood of people with two infections becoming more ill." 19 will also enable the development and implementation of better public health and anti-epidemic measures against influenza, and ensure that decision-making is based on scientific evidence. "