"The rights of Bulgarians in northern Macedonia cannot be delayed."

This is what the party leader wrote: "There are such people

"There is such a people" is a political party in Bulgaria, established by the Bulgarian television "Slavi Trifonov"

Stanislav Todorov Trifonov is a Bulgarian singer, TV presenter and producer. He was born on Facebook.

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Relations Bulgaria - RS Macedonia 461

"Now we have a historic opportunity to fight for our brothers. This is our unconditional Bulgarian duty," he said.

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Here is what Slavi Trifonov wrote:

"The fall of the Bulgarian veto, before the entry of the Bulgarians in the Constitution of Northern Macedonia, is a postponement of solving the problem of human rights of Bulgarians there. Now I will quote some of the words of Petar Kolev - Bulgarian from Northern Macedonia, who was a guest "Seven or Eighth You":

"Whatever rules apply to Albanians, Turks, Vlachs, Roma, Serbs, Bosniaks, those who self-identify as Macedonians, the same rules apply to us Bulgarians who live there."

"For more than 100 years, everything possible has been done not to keep a Bulgarian alive in Macedonia."

"The secretary of the cultural center" Ivan Mihailov "Georgi Tsarnomarov - his son, and the son of the arsonist of the cultural center - Lambe Alabakovski, are classmates and sit one behind the other in the ranks.

This is the tragedy of Macedonia - these children from the first grade will be indoctrinated with hatred, aggression, hating the other.

Because one father thinks he is Bulgarian and the other father thinks he is not Bulgarian.

And that is the problem of Macedonia. "

"During the last period of time, Bulgarian symbols were burned several times, pro-Bulgarian activists in northern Macedonia were attacked.

This case in Bitola is not an accident.

This is a clear trend. "

"The Bulgarian people will never betray us - the Bulgarians in Macedonia.

And whoever tries to do this thing will face the Bulgarian people, "he concluded. 

Relations Bulgaria - RS Macedonia

Slavi Trifonov

There are such people