Paleontologists find carnivorous dinosaurs

the largest in Europe

Thai Rath Edition

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13 Jun 2022 12:01





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Isle of Wight (The Isle of Wight) in the United Kingdom has been unofficially nicknamed.

"Dinosaur Island" due to the discovery of treasures

many paleontologists

More dinosaur skeleton fossils have been excavated from there than anywhere else in Europe.

Most of them date from the Cretaceous period.

Many fossils are now on display in specially built museums in the Sandown area.

on the island

Most recently, a team of paleontologists was led by PhD students in paleontology at the University of Southampton in England.

A study of bone fossils found on the rocky shores along Compton Bay, southwest of the Isle of Wight, has been released.

It was identified as the partial remains of a dinosaur skeleton, including the dorsal, hip, tail and limb parts.

But without a skull or teeth, this dinosaur lived on Earth about 125 million years ago during the Cretaceous period.

Paleontologists estimate that it was more than 10 meters long, or even longer.

and possibly a large predator

One of the best ever discovered and known in Europe.

A team of paleontologists revealed that

By analyzing part of the small groove at the top of the caudal bone.

This leads to the conclusion that it belongs to the dinosaur group "Spinosaurus" (Spinosaurus), a dinosaur with a long skull resembling a crocodile.

many conical teeth

It has strong arms and large claws.

The delicacy prey was the aquatic animals and other dinosaurs.