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"There is no tension in the coalition - here, the budget has been submitted to the parliament.

Now the most important thing is to adopt the update, which will give additional support to both Bulgarian business and citizens, families with children, and retirees will receive an increase in their pensions. "

This was stated by the chairman of the parliamentary group "BSP for Bulgaria" Georgi Svilenski to the media in the National Assembly.

We remind you that earlier three of the ministers of "There is such a people" left the government session after a dispute over the updating of the state budget.

Sparks: ITN ministers left the Council of Ministers meeting

The chairman of the PG of "We continue the change" Andrey Gyurov said that there is obviously tension.

For his part, Lubomir Karimanski of the ITN defended the ministers, saying it was their right to leave if none of their demands were approved. 

Georgi Svilenski