How are chickenpox symptoms similar or different from herpes?

Thairath Online

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  • health and beauty

30 May 2022 17:20





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Monkeypox, an epidemic in many countries, is now being watched and monitored around the world.

Recently, there have been reports of suspected monkeypox cases in Thailand.

But the results of laboratory tests from both the Department of Medical Sciences and Chulalongkorn Hospital

Confirm that it is not

"Small pox" but is an infection with "herpes". How are these two diseases similar or different?

Symptoms of monkey pox with herpes 

monkey pox symptoms

Symptoms of monkey pox

It will show about 12 days after infection. The symptoms are as follows.

  • fever, chills

  • headache

  • enlarged lymph nodes

  • muscle pain

  • tired

  • You may also have a cough or back pain.

  • a rash spreading all over the body

    and become pustules

These symptoms will last for about 2-4 weeks, and most patients will recover on their own.

But if the patient has low immunity or has congenital disease

Serious complications such as pneumonia or death can occur.

herpes symptoms

  • a small transparent blister

    on the skin

  • Burning pain in the wound area

  • The blister bursts open and scabs.

  • If infected, the wound will spread and become large.

  • have a fever

  • tired

  • body aches

  • It is most common in the lips, eyes, body and anus.

Causes of Chickenpox and Herpes

Monkey pox is caused by what?

Monkey pox is a disease caused by a virus.

This causes symptoms in humans similar to those of smallpox or smallpox.

Which has been wiped out of the world since 1980, but monkeypox is still sporadic in some parts of Africa.

However, today, monkey pox outbreaks have spread in many countries around the world.

by the latest report (30 May 2022) from the Department of Disease Control

The Ministry of Public Health has reported 494 cases of monkeypox worldwide.

  • Rash, blister, pus 99% (38% genital, 18% mouth, 1% anus)

  • Fever 28%

  • enlarged inguinal lymph nodes

    Myalgia 1%

  • other

  • Causes of herpes

    Herpes is a type of skin disease caused by a virus called Herpes Sinplex Virus (HSV), which is of two types, HSV type 1 and HSV type 2. HSV causes herpes on the skin.

    and in the mucous layer of the body

    It can happen to any gender and any age. The difference between these two types is

    • HSV type 1

      usually occurs in the mouth and on the skin above the navel.

      It is found in children and adults.

      This infection is not sexually transmitted.

      but communicate by touch

    • HSV type 2

      infection usually occurs in the genital area.

      and contact sexually

    Prevention of monkey pox and herpes

    How to prevent monkey pox infection

    • Avoid contact with sick animals.

      vector animals, especially monkeys

      and rodents

    • Always wash your hands with soap.

      or alcohol gel often

      especially after touching animals

      or public items

    • Avoid contact with secretions, wounds, blood, animal fluids.

    • wearing a mask

      when traveling to places that are at risk of spreading

    • Avoid contact with secretions, wounds, pustules, or clear blisters.

      from those with a history of risk

      or suspected to be infected

      In the case of being exposed to the infection

      Preventive vaccination should be done if it is not more than 14 days.

    The vaccine against smallpox

    It can help reduce the risk of infection.

    But it must be injected in people who are at risk of infection only.

    and can also be vaccinated up to 14 days after exposure

    How to prevent herpes

    • Avoid contact with the patient's secretions, such as not kissing, not having sex.

      separate personal items

      such as handkerchiefs, towels, spoons, forks, glasses,

    • If it is herpes near the eyes or eyebrows, you should consult an ophthalmologist.

      because it may spread into the cornea

      and cause blindness

    • Avoid triggers for recurrence such as stress, fever, exhaustion, skin abrasions.

    • Keep your body healthy.

      get enough rest

      regular exercise

    • If it's in the genital area

      Should abstain from sex until complete recovery.

    • Pregnant women should consult a doctor.

      because it may affect the unborn child

    What are the similarities of chickenpox and herpes?

    and causing confusion is

    Most herpes are concentrated locally, such as on the lips.

    Inside the mouth around the cheekbones

    including the genital area down to the buttocks

    While some monkey pox patients have not found pustules on their faces, torso, limbs, but they occur in the genital area.

    and then unconsciously and having sex until it is one of the causes of infection and spreading

    This is why genital herpes blisters become a concern for chickenpox or not.

    Therefore, prevent and detect the cause.

    ready to heal

    is therefore the best solution

    Reference: Department of Disease Control, Ministry of Public Health, Institute of Dermatology