Try COVID and a vaccine against COVID-19

A question that still needs to be answered.

Thairath Online

  • Thai Rath Scoop


26 May 2022 17:15





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Washington University in St. Louis (Washington University in St. Louis) published a

report on the Long COVID after breakthrough SARS-CoV-2 infection (SAR-CoV-2 infection)

. on the medical journal Nature medicine on May 25, 2022

It is a study of healthcare information provided by the US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)

, including medical records of people who received the full vaccination regimen (2 Pfizer, 2 Moderna, and John).

More than

34,000 people  have contracted severe


-19, including more than


who haven't been vaccinated with COVID-19

between January 2021 and 2021. October 2021, according to a


follow-up period after infection

to determine whether patients have chronic symptoms of infection.

It was found that although the vaccine can help prevent the symptoms of covids in general, relatively little.

(Risk from symptoms of trying covid after infection

Even with the full course of vaccination compared to about 15% of those who were not vaccinated)

But the vaccine against COVID-19

Still effective in preventing long covid symptoms.

That could be life threatening as well.

Because vaccination reduces the risk of lung disorders by almost 50%, the risk of blood clotting disorders is reduced.

Blood-Clotting Disorders were 56% compared to those who were not vaccinated.

Dr. Ziyad Al -


, one of the researchers, commented on the results of this research.

Although vaccines can help prevent hospitalizations and death,

Instead, it offers "moderate" protection options for preventing long-term covid symptoms.

This is partly due to the COVID-19 vaccine.

It has been developed since the beginning.

of the pandemic, which at that time did not have enough information on patients with COVID-19 symptoms.

This may cause the issue to be revisited again.

Because at this time there is clear information about the symptoms of illness from COVID-19.

In the long term, even if the infection is cured

However, Dr. Ziyad Al-Aly noted that

For those who are infected even after receiving the full formulation of vaccines

(Breakthrough) doesn't always mean you have to have symptoms of covid.

Because this group of people accounted for only about 10%, but because the number of infected people is so large.

There are also a large number of patients who have been given the full form of vaccination for COVID.

Vaccination with booster needles for symptoms of Long-Covid:

Although the research report does not contain information on who received the booster vaccine, but Dr. Ziyad Al-Aly expressed the view that

In his personal opinion, he did not expect booster vaccination to be able to make a huge difference in preventing long coronavirus symptoms.

or infection from various virus strains

especially the Omicron species.

Because the results of the study clearly show that

There are many patients who develop symptoms of illness despite being vaccinated as much as possible.

but did not find any difference in symptoms of covid

but still

vaccine against covid-19

continues to be an important tool in the fight against this pandemic

Guidelines for fighting COVID symptoms:

A study published earlier

in the journal

CELL states that the main risk factor for COVID-19 is the level of the virus in the body during

Acute Infection

, that is why it is important that

If receiving treatment early

with therapy, including antiretroviral therapy

to keep the level of the virus low

It is currently approved for emergency use for vulnerable patients.

especially the elderly

or who have a weakened immune system

It may help prevent the development of COVID-19.

But still, most experts argue that

There is still a need for more research to find out more about COVID symptoms in order to lead the development of specialized treatments in the future.

This makes the best way to avoid getting COVID-19 at this time is still "shouldn't get infected with COVID-19".

Sleep is the best way to boost immunity:

And one of the ways to strengthen your immunity


strong enough to fight the spread of COVID-19.

Especially the Omicron strain BA.2.12.1 that is spreading heavily in many countries at this time.

Which can be done easily if done in conjunction with exercise is “sleep well”.

because sleeping at least

7 hours a day

In addition to energizing the body, it also strengthens the immune system.

Because sleep deprivation will not only cause fatigue the next day.

It can also cause inflammation and increase your risk of diseases such as high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity, diabetes, depression and cancer.

And here are 6 recommended methods for putting your body to "sleep" to strengthen your immune system against .

. .


Reduce the use of digital devices

To increase the time for bed.


Create a suitable environment for sleeping. The room is completely dark, the temperature should be around 18 degrees Celsius and free from outside noise.


Let go of stress, calm your mind before bedtime.


Eat magnesium-rich foods, such as spinach, pumpkin seeds, almonds, avocados, bananas, potatoes, black beans, green beans, broccoli, cashews, and sprouts, which help the nervous system work.

and help make the mind calm and relaxed


Wear blue light protection glasses (Blue Light) when using electronic devices such as computers, tablets, smartphones, as blue light interferes with the body's ability to prepare for sleep.

It blocks a hormone called melatonin, which our brain naturally produces to regulate sleep.


Doing yoga to stretch before bedtime.

Can help reduce pain symptoms such as high blood pressure.

and various stress and anxiety conditions. It can also stimulate the nervous system to help you sleep better.

Special news team, Thairath Online reports.

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