Summary of causes and symptoms of Alzheimer's disease

the risk of the elderly

Thairath Online

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  • health and beauty

14 May 2022 17:34





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Alzheimer's disease



It is a disease that is common in the elderly.

especially the older group

more and more

If we get to know Alzheimer's disease, its causes, symptoms and prevention methods

will have a chance to reduce the risk of this disease

Causes of Alzheimer's disease: the elderly and chronic diseases are at high risk.

Alzheimer's is a condition in which the elderly

Loss of brain capacity so much that it affects daily life

and need a caregiver

by the risk of Alzheimer's

will increase with increasing age, such as 90 years old, about half

Will have dementia. If age 80, chance is 1 in 5, by age 60 it will be 1 in 10 people will have Alzheimer's.

Alzheimer's disease cause

 degeneration of brain cells

The normal brain cells die according to the aging of each person.

But some people, brain cells die more than people of the same age because of causes such as toxic proteins in the brain cells.

or caused by Parkinson's disease

or caused by insufficient blood supply to the brain

because of blood clots

or a broken blood vessel

or brain cells die from syphilis, HIV, or malnutrition.

have blood sugar that is too high or too low

The thyroid gland is working too much or too little.

or exposure to certain toxins, such as drinking too much alcohol

And substance abuse, including stress, depression, can be factors that cause this disease.

In addition, the elderly with chronic diseases, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, and genetic causes have little effect.

Symptoms, treatment and prevention of Alzheimer's disease  

The main symptom of Alzheimer's disease is forgetfulness, and some people refer to it as amnesia, which is different from forgetfulness.

The symptoms of forgetfulness in the elderly are

I can't remember what I've done or said, and I still have symptoms that I don't know. I used to cook well but I couldn't. I couldn't go home.

As for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease,

there is currently no cure.

because brain cells are dead and cannot be restored

But there are drugs used to modulate neurotransmitters in the brain.

Other care, such as letting him do what he can.

taking instead of memorizing

and from forgetfulness

or lost awareness

may cause paranoia

also need to see a psychiatrist

Alzheimer's disease prevention

We cannot stop aging and stop the degeneration of brain cells.

But in the part that depends on the behavior

It can prevent Alzheimer's disease, for example by avoiding risk factors causing disease such as excessive alcohol consumption.

do not use drugs

eat nutritious food

prevent infectious disease

Read more:

Health Friday column about "forgetfulness" or "Alzheimer's disease" (Part 1 and Part 2)

Easy to forget, difficult to remember, Alzheimer's risk