When curing your wardrobe, the transition from winter to spring is one of the most difficult and bizarre periods of the year.

On the one hand, the days are longer and the weather is warmer.

This often means longer exits, sleeveless silhouettes and fewer layers.

On the other hand, it is not quite summer and conditions can be unpredictable.

For a moment it is sunny, and after a while it starts to rain.

Since the season can cause so much stress, it is important that spring fashion is straightforward and uncomplicated.

And, there are bonus points to embracing trends that you probably already have, thus not spending on purchases.

Here are five surefire ways to make the 2022 spring trends work for you:

Colored knitting

Photo: GettyImages

Cotton clothing

Photo: GettyImages

Open back

Photo: GettyImages

Swollen sleeves

Photo: GettyImages


Photo: GettyImages

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