Who is at risk of contracting COVID-19?

and how severe the symptoms were to be admitted to the hospital

Thairath Online

  • lifestyle

  • health and beauty

7 Feb. 2022 20:54





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When infected with COVID-19

How severe must the symptoms be to be admitted to the hospital?

It has become a question that many people are more curious about.

Because the number of patients infected with COVID-19

Started back through the ten thousand people since Feb. 5 ago.

and there is no sign of returning to less than ten thousand

And in the era of Omikron, the epidemic is fast but not severe. Which group is at risk of contracting the coronavirus?

and when knowing how to take risks

The first thing you need to know is whether or not we are

close contacts of high-risk people with COVID-19

and how to act.

The Department of Disease Control explains

Recent high-risk close contacts

is a person who does not wear a mask

or not wearing PPE

standard throughout the time of contact

and close to those infected

or confirmed on the day of onset of illness or within 3 days before symptoms

or those near

Or talk to an infected person who is suspected or confirmed within 2 meters for more than 5 minutes or has been coughed, sneezed, and watered from the patient.

or in a closed place

Not much ventilation

with the patient for more than 30 minutes.

5 rules to act when knowing that you are in close contact with a coviral infected person

or who are in close contact with a high risk of infected with COVID-19 are as follows:

  • Self-quarantine at home for 7 days and check for symptoms daily.

  • First ATK test on days 5-6 after the last infection found.

  • If the ATK test results in infection, register by calling 1330 NHSO for home quarantine care.

  • Then observe yourself for another 3 days, during which time you can leave the house if necessary.

    Fully protect yourself

    not going to public

    Avoid using crowded public transport.

  • 2nd ATK test on the 10th day after the last infection found.

Criteria for sending Covid patients to hospital

for the criteria that the state considers

If you're infected with covids, how severe is it to be sent to the hospital?

 Still based on information from the Department of Medicine that previously stated that

In the event that a person infected with COVID-19 is in quarantine

and see symptoms at home (Home Isolation (HI) or in an area provided by the community (Community Isolation or CI) if you have these symptoms

To be in the discretion of the doctor to refer the patient to the hospital as follows

  • When a fever is higher than 39 degrees Celsius for more than 24 hours.

  • Oxygen saturation is less than 94%, breathing more than 25 breaths per minute in adults.

    or if breathing is more than 20 breaths per minute, contact your HI and CI physician.

  • The 608 patient group was the elderly.

    and have underlying diseases that are at risk

    or need to closely monitor the symptoms

    including patients with congenital disease with changes in symptoms

  • for pediatric patients

    with fever higher than 39°C or oxygen (less than 94% or having difficulty breathing

    rapid breathing beyond the age limit), seep in, drink milk, or eat less