"British study: Moussaka is the number one enemy of nature" is one of the titles, and the other is (logically, of course, a little escalated in the fantasy: "The EU is going to ban moussaka". 

So, ladies and gentlemen, news is being made to generate ticking, reading, watching, whining and whining. 

We will not leave any trifles, such as the truth, to ruin our good story. 

This "British


" is actually an article on a British site whose employees are wondering what to fill their time with on holidays. 

We also emphasize that it is British and Britain is not (I repeat: NO) in the EU and has nothing to do with the EU.

And it's just a site that has nothing to do with any institutions, as if I (from this site) say that I do not like the dunners and in neighboring Turkey to get enraged on the topic that the EU is going to ban the dunner of the Turks. 

How did a British site become the "EU" where moussaka would ban us? 

… Is beyond my ability to vden. 

Here are the details of Science and Critical Thinking:

"For several days now, I have been watching how Bulgarians are being filmed en masse for an outright simplicity on the Internet. A 2-line national drama has been created on the Internet. Pseudo-conservatives immediately attacked the rotten EU, Russophiles attacked the West, Uti suspects an attempt by someone to damage our dignity, "experts" appeared in the media to destroy analyzes ... Karbowski even said that the EU would ban moussaka, which is a lie.

The sad thing is that many of the "prestigious" media described these two lines (transcribed in the BBC) as a study, a study. The truth that this is not a study has no research value, but is closer to an article by Iva Nikolova in pik.bg. The "study" was done by the Uswitch home service provider comparison site, has no research value, and can even be said to have used a rather inaccurate "research" methodology. The authors believe that the typical moussaka is made in Bulgaria from whole beef, which is rather not true. In addition, a "tool" for determining carbon emissions - MyEmissions, which has no analytical value, was used. Not to mention the choice of food. In my opinion, there are much better candidates ...The article is entirely amateurish and aims to simply promote the uSwitch site and services. Obviously, the success was huge when he managed to cause national panic.

The only thing I miss in this absurd drama is Macedonia.

It would be appropriate for her to send a note of protest to each embassy regarding the claim that the moussaka is BULGARIAN.

Drink one wine and don't film so much.

PP And yes, Britain is not part of the EU ... "

But the peak of the "tragedies", aside from the moussaka stolen from us by Torbalan-EU, is „

… Hold on…

… Pirates and fireworks, of course!

Pirates and fireworks are of Christian value.

We learn something new every day. 

It will turn out that they are of more Christian value than moussaka. 

Read and cry:

It's very cool not only that gossiping is a Christian value, but more importantly, that I love women in pants the most, but most of all (what are you wondering, see the profile picture) to talk to me about Christian values, and about the bonus , if they can add something about Christian morality while making moussaka, against the background of some more chalga for the soul. 


My fun…

What is a Christian family without moussaka, pounding and even underpants? 



ban on bombs


the evil European Union

The EU bans moussaka
