A man who seriously injured a young resident has been arrested.

According to the EPA's local bureau, a presentation of the investigative body has been heard in the Ghana City Court. The court ruled that Elsie Hadhadzadeh had been sentenced to four months in prison.



The city's Chief Police Officer in Ghana reported that Emin Mohammedov, a resident of the city, had suffered broken wounds to his right eye, a horn wound, and a loss of prestige.

Ashqin Qasimov, chief inspector of the Ghana regional group of the Religious Information Service, told the EPA. Immediately, appropriate investigations were launched at the Chief Police Officer. Investigators found that the citizen was injured by a punch during a dispute between the city's inhabitants, Elchin Farhadzadeh. A criminal case was initiated against E. Farhadzadeh with 126.1 of the Criminal Procedure.