If you find it difficult to stick to a weight loss plan due to a strong appetite, you, according to the Daily Mail, need to look at photos of good food more often.

Scientists say that just looking at photos of the food you really want can help curb your appetite and stimulate weight loss.

Researchers from Denmark found that people who looked at 30 M&Ms photos, spending at least two seconds on each picture, and imagined eating candy, felt full and wanted to eat less afterwards. They were compared to a group of people who were shown images of the same food, but three times.

Scientists have suggested that this action stimulated an area of the brain associated with appetite, increasing the feeling of fullness and potentially helping to lose weight with minimal effort.

The nutritionist who led the study said that when participants saw the same picture of food 30 times, they felt more full than before they saw the photo.

In a study published in the journal Appetite, researchers recruited more than 1000,<> people who were divided into three groups for separate experiments.

In the first experiment, participants were shown orange M&Ms images either three times or 30 times. They needed to look at each image for at least two seconds while they imagined eating that food. After that, participants were asked how full they were and how much candy they would like to eat.

The results showed that those who saw the pictures only three times were significantly more likely to say they wanted to eat chocolate than those who saw them 30 times. They also asked for more candy, averaging 6.2 out of ten possible, compared to an average of 5.7 in the group that saw images more often.

In the second part of the study, researchers again showed images of sweets three or 30 times, but this time they changed the color of the sweets. So they had to test whether the vision of individual colors changed the brain's response to a food stimulus. But the scientists found no difference, the results showed that people who saw the image only three times felt less full and wanted more candy.

In the third part, M&Ms were replaced by multi-colored Skittles, because they vary in color and have a sweet taste. However, the results remained the same as in the previous experiment, which led scientists to believe that not only color is important, but also mental taste.

Experts have suggested that viewing images of food stimulates areas of the brain associated with feelings of fullness, causing a decrease in appetite. This is called the theory of grounded knowledge.

Researchers have suggested that people who want to lose weight can repeatedly show photos of food to satisfy their appetite.

A 2016 study found that, on average, a person views about 6.1 food posts every 12 hours while using social media. Maybe if you want to lose weight, it's time to subscribe to culinary bloggers or go to the "Kitchen" section of Lady.tsn more often.

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