The circumstances of our lives are constantly changing, sometimes raising us to the top of success, then lowering us to a bad mood and, as it seems to us, hopelessness. But is it worth despairing if we can become darlings of fate at any time! What zodiac sign is lucky today – May 29?

The day is favorable for serious matters – all of them will be doomed to success from the beginning. But it is recommended to abandon the waste of strength and energy on trifles in the form of household chores – they will only distract from the main task of professional quality. You should also not operate with large sums of money – there is a high risk of the same large losses, but you can engage in small financial transactions. You should not respond to the rudeness of people around with rudeness, and rudeness with rudeness: you should not be on the same level with those who do not know how to control themselves – it is better to ignore them.

Sagittarius (23.11 – 21.12)

Sagittarius who feel a powerful surge of energy sent to them today from above will be able – literally – to move mountains. First of all, this will concern the solution of professional issues – representatives of the sign can take on any project, even one that until now seemed unbearable to them. The main thing is not to allow forces to disappear in the "holes" of emotional outbursts, otherwise they may not be enough for serious matters.

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