It has been revealed how the judges ' conference, a new institution, will be formed .

The EPA reports that this has been reversed in a proposed amendment to the Judiciary-Legal Council Act, which will be debated at a plenary session of the National Assembly on May 31.

According to the draft, the Judges Conference is being held to select members of the Judiciary-Legal Council.

At the judges' conference, the judges of the cassation, appeals and first courts are represented in the following order:

-. 5 judges from the Supreme Court of Azerbaijan;

- 3 judges from each appeals court;

- 1 judge from each specialized first installation court;

- 1 judge from each circuit court.

The judges' conference is authorized when three quarters of the judges enshrined in the law are present.

The judges' conference will select members of the Judiciary-Legal Council by an open vote, with a simple majority of votes.