Ai Fukuhara appeared in Shanghai and kept updating the community.

(Turn over Weibo)

[Reporter Yang Xinhan/Taipei Report] Japanese billiard queen Ai Fukuhara divorced Jiang Hongjie in July 2008, and actively approached the Chinese market through social media. Yesterday she posted on Weibo: "Guess where I am?" After arriving in Shanghai, some netizens left a message: "Welcome back to China", and she said even more happily: "I'm back."

Ai Fukuhara appeared in China. She wore a mask and a peaked cap. She looked a little low-key in her attire. She quickly updated videos and photos on Weibo, and then took time to meet Chinese fans.

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Ai Fukuhara appeared in Shanghai, China, wearing a mask and a peaked cap.

(Turn over Weibo)

Ai Fukuhara shared a group photo with her fans, and mentioned that she hadn't seen each other for a long time, "My first Chinese fan always thinks of me, no matter where I am playing in China, I can only ask for leave, people can come Always cheer me on in the arena.”

This time Ai Fukuhara flew to Shanghai on a special trip. Many people are curious about her next move, whether she will restart her acting career in China.

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