A 35-year-old working woman has been constipated for more than 2 years. Colonoscopy revealed hundreds of polyps, and even 2 of them had cancerous lesions. The picture is not of the person involved.

(picture taken from shutterstock)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report] A 35-year-old professional woman has been constipated for more than 2 years. produce cancerous lesions.

She lamented that she didn't eat indiscriminately, but recently she often had abdominal pain and constipation. Why did she suddenly find so many polyps and turned into colorectal cancer.

Chen Weiyou, director of Tianshen Colorectal Surgery Clinic, reminds young people aged 20 to 30 to pay attention, as long as one parent or family member has had colorectal polyposis, there is a half chance of getting familial colorectal polyposis .

Chen Weiyou posted on the Facebook page "Dr. Chen Weiyou of Colorectal Surgery" that familial colorectal polyps are mainly caused by the damage of the 5th chromosome gene. People who inherit polyps have about half the chance of developing polyps in the large intestine and upper gastrointestinal tract at the age of 15. By the age of 40, the chance of developing colorectal cancer will increase to 95%.

Because most polyps do not have any symptoms in the early stage, they are usually discovered and diagnosed when they are 20-30 years old when they occasionally experience abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea, and bloody stool symptoms.

Please read on...

What should I do if I find a large number of polyps in the large intestine?

Chen Weiyou said that when you find so many polyps in the large intestine, you usually don’t remove them one by one. Instead, you can directly remove the colon or rectum through surgery according to the location of the polyps, the condition, and the patient’s intestinal function, such as recto-anal anastomosis or bone surgery. Pelvic ileal pouch-anal anastomosis.

Rectal-anal anastomosis

: resecting the colon, part or all of the rectum, and then suturing and connecting the end of the rectum to the anus, so that the patient can defecate normally and maintain the quality of life.

Pelvic ileostomy bag-anal anastomosis

: the colon and rectum are removed, and an ileostomy bag is placed in the ileum (the bottom of the small intestine).

Most people feel fear physically and mentally when they hear "ostomy bag", Chen Weiyou explained, but this is actually an operation planned by the doctor for the convenience of the patient's future work and rest.

The main function of the ileostomy bag is to store liquid and feces, and it is divided into J-shaped bags, S-shaped bags, and K-shaped bags.

Considering the patient's physical condition, the smaller J-shaped bag is usually used first to reduce the burden. If the J-shaped bag cannot reach the top of the anus, the larger S-shaped bag will be used.

In the future, the patient can use the anal muscles to control the stool in the bag, and then defecate through the anus.

Chen Weiyou said that if many polyps or tumors are found and the anal sphincter needs to be removed, a stoma will be created above the intestinal tract, a K-shaped bag will be placed, and a special valve can be connected to the opening of the abdominal wall, which is convenient for the patient in the future. Catheterizes excrement without interfering with daily activities.

Physician teaches 2 ways to prevent colorectal cancer

Therefore, if many polyps are found, as long as they are detected and treated early, there is still a chance to return to daily life.

If it is confirmed that there is a gene for familial colorectal polyps, two things can usually be done to prevent it:


Regular colonoscopy

: patients with familial polyps usually develop glandular polyps in adolescence, so colonoscopy can be done once a year, and the stomach, duodenum and thyroid can be checked at the same time.


Pay close attention to bowel habits

: drink plenty of water daily and develop regular bowel habits.

If you find constipation, abdominal pain, thin stool or weight loss, or fatigue recently, please do not ignore or procrastinate, and you should go to the colorectal surgery department for examination as soon as possible.

Chen Weiyou pointed out that in clinical statistics, familial colorectal polyposis only accounts for 1% of colorectal cancer patients.

Due to the Westernized diet of modern people, even without this gene, they may still suffer from colorectal cancer. It is recommended that no matter whether there is a family history or not, it is best to have at least the first colonoscopy before the age of 50, so as to detect and treat it early and truly take care of the colon. road health.

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  • colorectal cancer

  • heredity

  • polyp

  • Colonoscopy

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