KIMIKO has superb dancing skills and a hot body, and has been named the "Sexy Goddess in the Dance World".

(Reposted from KIMIKO Facebook)

[Reporter Lin Nangu/Taipei Report] "KIMIKO" Lin Ruijun has superb dance skills and a hot body. She has been awarded the title of "Sexy Goddess in the Dance Industry". He confessed that because of insomnia, he could not sleep for less than 2 hours a day, so he was directly taken by the husband of the university professor to register for medical treatment.

What is hilarious is that after KK went to the doctor, every doctor she met asked the same question, which made it difficult for her to answer.

KK revealed that the recent insomnia is quite exaggerated. "Almost every day I wake up with less than 2 hours of sleep, and then I can't fall asleep again." Because of this, she was directly taken to the hospital by her husband for registration. "The point is that every doctor asked me One question: "Are you too stressed to change jobs?"."

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Regarding this, KIMIKO said helplessly that he still couldn't think of how to answer it.

After the news was exposed, some netizens expressed the same feeling, "Entrepreneurship is a ghost story, poor sleep is a daily routine", "You can't change your boss", and many people expressed concern: "This is a precursor to illness, you have to hurry up Figure out how to change it."

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