The dementia community service base of Xinying Hospital of the Ministry of Health and Welfare arranged a series of local culture and nostalgia courses this year. Cultural and historical researcher Zhang Yunshu used interactive situational teaching such as narration, painting, handicrafts and cake tasting to evoke the memory of the elderly.

(Provided by Xinying Hospital)

[Reporter Wang Hanping/Tainan Report] The dementia community service base of the Xinying Hospital of the Ministry of Health and Welfare arranges a series of local culture and nostalgia courses this year. Cultural and historical researcher Zhang Yunshu uses the two themes of "traditional cakes" and "life etiquette" through Narrative, painting, hand-made and other interactive situational teaching and pastry tasting, etc., evoke the memory of the elderly.

Zhang Yunshu has a series of cultural research books such as "Tainan Fucheng Cake Shop Chronicle" and "Tainan Mazu Belief Research".

Introduce multi-teaching and multimedia materials such as community senior colleges and cultural day studies into dementia community bases, and at the same time use self-made graphic cards with vivid images to attract the attention of the elders, effectively improving the cognitive stimulation and perception of the elders.

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In addition to being integrated into the game-like interactive teaching situation, the elders are more interested in tasting cakes. Some elders who are silent on weekdays have their taste buds awakened, and happily talk about their memories of cakes and their own life stories.

Zhang Yunshu talked about traditional sacrifices and life customs such as marriage, eating cakes, full moon, one year old, and worship. The interaction of questions and answers increased the sense of participation and fun for the elderly. He also arranged hand-made light soil red turtle cake ornaments to promote the flexibility of the elderly's small muscles. with the sense of touch.

Xu Boyan, director of the psychiatric department of Xinying Hospital, said that the elderly in the hospital's dementia base have lived in Tainan for most of their lives. The intervention of the Southern Taiwan Cultural Nostalgia Course can arouse the elders' empathy for the local culture, and has a great impact on the interaction between cognition, emotion and interpersonal communication. Great lifting effect.

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  • dementia

  • care base

  • elderly care

  • long photo

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