Veteran singer Harry.

Harry Belafonte died of a heart attack.

(Associated Press)

[Reporter Feng Yining/Comprehensive Report] The veteran male star Harry.

Harry Belafonte has died of a heart attack at the age of 96, confirmed by agent Ken Sunshine.

Harry was originally a resident singer in the club. After becoming popular, he straddled music, theater and other circles. He became a close friend with civil rights fighter Martin Luther King and fought for civil rights together.

He has won three Grammy Awards (including a Lifetime Achievement Award), is committed to anti-apartheid and artists united in support of Africa and other movements, and has been a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador for many years.

Please read on...

The song "Banana Boat" was also sung by Taiwanese singer Li Maoshan, so many people are familiar with it.

Harry was also inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in the early influence category in 2022, making him the oldest person to be honored.

Li Maoshan covers Harry.

Belafonte's "Banana Boat":

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