Physicians pointed out that processed foods are rich in inorganic phosphorus, which is almost 100% absorbed by the human body, which can easily cause hyperphosphatemia.

Once blood phosphorus rises, it will do great harm to the human body.

(picture taken from freepik)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report] The kidney dialysis rate of Taiwanese is the highest in the world. Chen Youcheng, Director of Nephrology Department of Xintai General Hospital, pointed out that a healthy diet is one of the principles of kidney protection. A healthy diet can lead to healthy kidneys.

Therefore, if you want to protect your kidneys, it is best to eat less of 4 kinds of foods, namely processed foods, red meat, heavy salty foods, and sugary drinks.

Chen Youcheng posted on the Facebook fan page "Dr. Chen Youcheng Kidney Specialist" that diet is very important to protect the kidneys. Some foods are better if they are more, such as whole grains and roots, vegetables and fruits, nuts, beans and fish.

Evidence-based medical research has pointed out that a healthy diet includes eating more vegetables, fruits, beans, nuts, whole grains, fish, and low-fat foods, and eating less red meat, processed meat, high-salt foods, sugary foods drinks.

Studies have found that such a healthy diet is associated with a lower incidence of CKD (chronic kidney disease) and a lower incidence of proteinuria.

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In addition, for the CKD population, the relationship between healthy eating patterns and mortality and progression to ESRD (end-stage renal disease), a Meta-Analysis in 2017, including 7 studies, showed that healthy eating patterns include eating more fruits, Vegetables, fish, legumes, whole grains, fiber, and less red meat, salt, refined sugars.

Six of the studies found that such healthy eating patterns were associated with lower mortality.

The study also found that such a healthy diet pattern was not significantly related to the development of ESRD.

Chen Youcheng also said that in order to take good care of the kidneys and protect the health, it is better to eat less of the following 4 major NG foods:

manufactured food

The International Cancer Research (IARC), a research institute affiliated to the World Health Organization (WHO), listed processed meats such as sausages, ham, hot dogs, and bacon as "Class 1 carcinogens" in 2015, which have significant carcinogenic effects on humans.

In addition, processed foods are rich in inorganic phosphorus, which is almost 100% absorbed by the human body, which can easily cause hyperphosphatemia.

Once blood phosphorus rises, it will do great harm to the human body.

In addition to accelerating the progression of chronic kidney disease, it can also cause harm to the cardiovascular system, such as vascular calcification, increased risk of cardiovascular disease, and increased mortality.

In addition, hyperphosphatemia will also combine with calcium in the blood, resulting in hypocalcemia and cramps. Hyperphosphatemia will also continue to stimulate the parathyroid gland to secrete parathyroid hormone, resulting in secondary hyperparathyroidism, and even parathyroid tumors and itchy skin. , Renal bone disease, etc., can be said to have a great impact.

red meat

Chen Youcheng pointed out that red meat, including beef, pork, and lamb, is rich in saturated fatty acids.

Saturated fatty acids will be carried to the liver along with the blood circulation, and then produce cholesterol.

Among them, low-density cholesterol (LDL) is bad cholesterol, which will accumulate in vascular endothelial cells and cause atherosclerosis. In addition to increasing the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, it may also cause renal artery stenosis and indirectly lead to blood pressure rise , Renal function deterioration.

On the contrary, white meat (chicken, duck, goose, fish) and plant-based protein in soy products are high-quality protein sources and should be consumed more.

heavy salty food

He said that the biggest impact of eating too salty on the body is the soaring blood pressure, which increases the burden on the heart and kidneys.

Among them, the impact of high blood pressure on the kidneys is mainly to cause hardening, stenosis, and insufficient blood flow in the kidneys, which in turn lead to kidney failure.

Kidney failure itself will cause sodium ions and water retention, which will aggravate high blood pressure. It can be said that they affect each other.

The only way to break this vicious cycle is not to eat too much salt in your diet.

sugary drinks

Chen Youcheng pointed out that drinking sugary drinks has the following effects on the body:

●Weight increase, obesity: Obese people's blood pressure, blood sugar, and blood fat will all increase, which indirectly affects kidney function.

●Diabetes: Diabetes is the number one cause of kidney dialysis in Taiwan, accounting for about 45%.

●Excessive uric acid, gout: Fructose will produce adenine during metabolism, which will then be converted into uric acid, which will eventually lead to gout.

Gouty nephropathy is also one of the causes of kidney dialysis, so don't be careless.

●Fatty liver: Fructose is mainly metabolized in the liver, during which it will be converted into triglycerides, and then accumulate in the liver, resulting in fatty liver.

Of the above four points, the first three are directly related to renal failure.

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  • sugary drinks

  • manufactured food

  • kidney failure

  • healthy diet

  • Health Net - Urology

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