Xu Qiaoxin (left) defeated Fei Hongtai in the legislature of the 7th constituency of the Kuomintang's Taipei City, which attracted the bitterness of the chicken chop girls.

(Photographed by reporter Liao Zhenhui, flipped from Chicken Paimei Facebook)

[Reporter Lin Nangu/Taipei Report] The KMT’s Taipei 7th Constituency (Xinyi, Nansongshan) Legislative Primary Election ended yesterday. After combining telephone polls and party members’ votes, City Councilor Xu Qiaoxin defeated the current legislator by 51.266%. Fei Hongtai's 48.73% blocked Fei Hongtai's road to six consecutive hegemony, and then "Chicken Pai Girl" Zheng Jiachun (now known as Zheng Caiyun) also posted an article to take the opportunity to tease Xu Qiaoxin.

Chicken Paimei publicly stated that Xu Qiaoxin was determined to win the primary election due to the public opinion of KMT supporters, and then said bitterly: "Xu Qiaoxin emphasized that after the primary election results are announced, a press conference will be held to release the photo album of DPP opponent Xu Shuhua. Collect results for more than a year."

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What was hilarious was that the chicken pai girl continued to choke: "The photo album was boring enough." Finally, she joked at the bottom of the post: "It is suggested that the credit agency can find Xu Qiaoxin to endorse the advertisement."

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