[Reporter Lin Xiuhao/Taipei Report] "Little S" Xu Xidi posted a photo of eating with her daughter at home a few days ago. Unexpectedly, Li Ao's daughter Li Wen listed 12 mistakes, criticizing her eating etiquette, "eating is too ugly", and accusing her daughter of The teaching is broken, causing netizens to discuss.

Xiao S attended the fashion brand's opening press conference today (11th). When asked if she would be distracted, she couldn't bear to respond domineeringly.

Xiao S (left) was criticized by Li Ao's daughter Li Wen for table manners. She attended the press conference today and couldn't bear to respond.

(Photo by reporter Chen Yikuan)

Li Wen accused Xiao S of listing 12 mistakes in eating etiquette, and criticized "why is it so disgusting?" When Xiao S was asked about this, she hesitated for a while, and was blocked by the public relations on the spot, but she immediately responded domineeringly, " I think everyone has the right to speak, but everyone has the right not to respond.” It was great for Huang Xuan to speak straight after listening to it. Such a high EQ response convinced the media on the spot.

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Xiao S (left) responded to the Li Wen incident with high EQ, and Huang Xuan (middle) said it was great!

(Photo by reporter Chen Yikuan)

And last week, Xiao S went south to Kaohsiung to watch Zhang Huimei's concert, and the whole dance was so exciting, but she was ordered by her sister not to give her the microphone. When asked if she would not feel very satisfied, she said that because her friends said She can only sing "Cutting Love" and "Listen to the Sea", and told her not to sing these two songs again, so she practiced the new song "Matrilineal Society" by herself, and even volunteered to call Amei's manager Chen Zhenchuan (Chuan Ge) to say that she I was able to sing on stage, but in the end my sister blocked me and asked her to jokingly say, "Look, if my sister doesn't give me the microphone, is she afraid that I can sing better than her?" The audience laughed!

Xiao S (left) and A-Lin (right) watched Zhang Huimei's concert, but Amei ordered her not to give her the microphone.

(Provided by Sound Entertainment)

The media at the scene praised Xiao S for singing a section now, and she suddenly said quietly that she needs a teleprompter, but singing "Cut Love" is okay, and she sang the chorus again at the scene, happily expressing, "I am singing well now Really made a lot of progress", and asked the reporter if he was intimidated by his singing, and asked the reporter to say: "Yes! I was shocked", and Huang Xuan even boasted: "I am very moved!"

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