The nutritionist said that although water and beverages are both water, beverages cannot replace water, because caffeine will promote water metabolism, and sugary drinks will cause excessive calories and blood sugar problems; the picture shows the situation.

(picture taken from freepik)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report] Did you drink water today?

70% of the human body is water, which is an important element to maintain constant body functions.

Nutritionist Liu Yahui said that although water and beverages are both water, beverages cannot replace water, because caffeine will promote water metabolism, and sugary beverages will cause excessive calories and blood sugar problems.

In addition, don't wait until you are thirsty to drink water. If the body lacks water, chronic diseases will gradually form, and women are more likely to be at risk of urinary tract diseases than men.

Liu Yahui posted on the Facebook page "Nutritionist Emma" that water is very important to the body, but it is often encountered, including not drinking enough water, drinking a drink is enough, and the most common case is that I am not thirsty, so I did not drink it.

Therefore, we have sorted out three major myths about drinking water for public reference:

Please read on...

Myth 1. Beverages can be counted as water:

water in food, tea, coffee, and milk are all considered as water intake, but plain water is the best choice for hydration.

Myth 2. Beverages cannot replace water:

because caffeine will promote water metabolism, and sugary drinks will cause excess calories and blood sugar problems, so beverages cannot replace water.

Myth 3. You should not drink water until you are thirsty:

When you are thirsty, your brain notifies you that you need to drink water, which means that your body has long been dehydrated.

Liu Yahui emphasized that water mainly provides nutrient transportation, waste removal and many other metabolisms must be completed by it. However, if drinking too little water, the amount and frequency of urination will decrease, and the waste will stay in the body for a longer time, leading to chronic diseases. In this way, it slowly forms, and the female urethra is shorter than that of the male, so you have to worry about urinary tract problems coming to your door.

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  • chronic disease

  • lack of water

  • Thirsty

  • caffeine

  • urinary tract infection

  • Add water

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