Fast Weight Loss Exercise: Some yoga can help in burning fat easily and fast.

special things

  • Most people associate yoga with meditation and mental well-being.

  • No one can think of it as a way to lose weight..

  • Yoga can provide you many tremendous benefits as compared to other exercises.

Yoga For Beginners For Weight Loss: Many people today are struggling with their weight loss.

Various efforts are being made to reduce obesity, but what to do for rapid weight loss?

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Most of us associate yoga with meditation and mental well-being.

One may not think of it as a weight loss remedy, but it is not.

If yoga is done in the right way, then you can get to see the result soon.

It not only increases your flexibility, mental health, but also burns calories quickly.

Yoga can provide you with many tremendous benefits as compared to other exercises, thereby aiding you in your journey of weight loss.

Yoga to reduce extra body fat fast.

Yoga To Reduce Extra Body Fat Fast

1) Plank pose (Falakasana)

Plank is a great pose to strengthen your core muscles.

You may find it simple, but its benefits are immense.

By doing plank, your shoulders, back, hips, thighs, abs and core are strong.

To do a plank, get into a push-up position and lift your body off the mat with pressure from your hands, wrists and elbows.

Look down and relax your neck.

Stay in this position as long as you can.

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2) Bow pose (Dhanurasana)

The bow pose can help you to tone your abdomen and back.

This asana strengthens your core and abdomen, improves your posture and stretches your entire body.

It works the back, chest, abdomen, legs, hips and arms.

To do this, lie face down, bend your knees and hold your ankles with your hands keeping your knees hip-width apart.

Holding your ankles, lift your chest and thighs off the floor.

Continue breathing and try to stay in the pose for 20 seconds.

3) Triangle pose (Trikonasana)

Triangle pose strengthens the thighs, improves blood circulation throughout the body and provides relief from back pain.

This pose can kickstart your weight loss exercise as it helps in burning the fat around your stomach and waist.

Stand with your feet about three feet apart, bend down, bend your left leg slightly to the right and keep your right leg forward.

Now touch the feet or the floor by spreading your left hand and spread your right hand towards the ceiling.

Hold the pose for 20-30 seconds.

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4) Bridge pose

Lie on your back, bend your knees, place your feet flat on the floor and press down.

Now lift your torso up, place your hand under your hips.

Your head and neck remain flat on the floor.

This pose works on the thyroid, glutes, shoulders, spine, thighs and back, which helps in improving digestion and muscle tone, reduces high blood pressure and symptoms of menopause and hence is great for weight loss. It's very good.

Photo Credit: iStock

5) Downward breath

If you want to tone your body, then Adho Mukha Svanasana is the perfect solution.

This pose helps in strengthening your arms, glutes, thighs, hamstrings and back.

You may feel a burning sensation when you do it.

Start by keeping your hands and knees at a distance of one feet.

Try to straighten your legs by lifting your knees off the floor and pushing your heels down.

Use palm pressure to force them onto the floor.

Stay in the pose for 10 seconds.

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6) Boat pose

As the name suggests, your body should be like a boat while doing this pose.

Sit on the ground, straighten your legs, try to raise your legs and now make a V shape by spreading your hands parallel to the floor.

Maintain the pose for 10-20 seconds.

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