The Chinese variety show "Sister Riding the Wind and Waves" has made many actresses become popular. The sweetheart leader Wang Xinling is the most successful example. Now the new version of "Riding the Wind 2023" has started recording, including Alyssa Chia, Ella Chen Jiahua, A-Lin, Chen Yihan, Xu Huaiyu, etc. Taiwan All the artists participated and heated up the topic. A few days ago, Alyssa Chia appeared on the video in a black sexy suit. At the age of 48, she was praised for her completely frozen body and skin.

Alyssa Chia has debuted for more than 30 years. She has masterpieces in both host and drama. She married Xiu Jiekai in 2015. The 8-year-old sister and younger brother are in love with each other. Let her become a representative of brave chasing love and a happy wife, and her popularity has skyrocketed. She is not only the favorite of boutiques and jewelry brands, but also won the Golden Horse Award. She is quite proud of her family and career.

Please read on...

Alyssa Chia perfectly balances family and career.

(Reposted from IG) 

A few days ago, "Ride the Wind 2023" announced the list, and Alyssa Chia was also on the list. Before that, she also participated in the parent-child reality variety show "Mom is Superman". She appeared at the recording scene a few days ago, wearing black bottom The printed suit, the top is a super tight low-cut vest design, forcing her good figure, she is in super good condition, she is not 48 years old at all, the outside world is quite looking forward to the spark of interaction between her and other actresses in "Chengfeng 2023".

Alyssa Chia showed off her snowy muscles in a sexy body.

(reposted from Weibo)

Alyssa Chia participated in the recording of "Ride the Wind 2023".

(reposted from Weibo)

Further reading:

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