Zhang Yihao reminded that when children have problems such as short stature, backward growth, obesity, premature menstruation, and premature development, it is recommended to consult a doctor to actively deal with them; the picture shows the situation.

(picture taken from shutterstock)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report] A girl has a fleshy body, is relatively short in height, and her breasts are slightly protruding. The mother thought it was just because the child likes to eat sweets and fried foods and didn't care. Later, she was hospitalized due to illness. Hormonal abnormalities, bone growth plates closed earlier, confirmed to suffer from severe precocious puberty, which will affect the height in the future, and may even cause psychological problems. After my mother knew about it, she regretted it.

Physician Zhang Yihao of Zhang Yihao Otorhinolaryngology Clinic shared the case in his Facebook fan page "Dr. Zhang Yihao i Sensory Physician x Medical Parenting x Growth and Development x Nutrition and Immunity". Fat didn’t pay attention, and was later hospitalized due to a severe cough caused by Respiratory Syncytical Virus (RSV). The pediatrician reminded him that he might have precocious puberty, and arranged bone age examination and hormone blood test. After investigation, it was found that the girl was really suffering from severe precocious puberty , the body’s hormonal abnormalities also cause the bone growth plate to close earlier, so girls should not be too tall in the future. This will also cause girls to face other psychological pressure problems when they go to school in the future.

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Zhang Yihao said that the proportion of children with precocious puberty is far higher than what the public imagines, because of Westernized diet, late work and rest, and less exercise. In fact, it is not difficult for parents to find that cases of precocious puberty often appear around us , At this time, it is necessary to consult a pediatric endocrinologist.

"There is only one growth and development. If you make a mistake, any parent will regret it." Zhang Yihao called on parents to actively face problems such as short stature, backward growth, obesity, premature menstruation, and premature development in children. with processing.

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  • hormone

  • precocious puberty

  • growth plate

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