The Agriculture and Food Administration stated that if you want to buy rice noodles with strong rice flavor, besides observing the product name, it is most accurate to look at the rice content on the label. In to rice) as raw material.

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[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report] Rice noodles are very common no matter whether they are cooked alone or added to hot pot, but is there rice in rice noodles?

The Agriculture and Food Administration stated that if you want to buy rice noodles with strong rice flavor, besides observing the product name, it is most accurate to look at the rice content on the label. If the rice content is more than 50%, it is blended rice noodles; if it is less than 50%, it can only be labeled as cooking powder or water powder.

How to identify the amount of rice contained in rice noodles?

The Agriculture and Food Administration issued an article on Facebook "Xianxiangnong YA - Agriculture and Food Administration", pointing out that in the early days, in order to improve the quality and taste, cornstarch or other edible starch (grain) powder was also added as raw materials, and the appearance was more glossy and also It is more resistant to cooking. If the rice content exceeds 50%, it will be labeled as blended rice noodles, and if it is less than 50%, it can only be labeled as cooking powder or gouache. There is no safety or nutritional concern. You can choose according to your personal preference.

Please read on...

According to the Agriculture and Food Administration, if the name of the product is marked as pure rice noodles or rice noodles, it means that 100% indica rice is used as the raw material. The appearance is dull and opaque, and it does not need soaking or blanching. Put it in the pot and simmer before cooking, and you can enjoy the fragrant and delicious taste.

According to the Agriculture and Food Administration, as for the thickness of rice noodles, it is related to the production process. After the rice balls are pressed into strips, they are boiled, scalded, soaked in cold water and then dried in the sun. They are often called coarse rice noodles, which are thicker and smoother; Pressed into filaments and then steamed and sun-dried, it is called fine rice noodles. It is thinner, more springy, and has a unique taste and flavor.

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