Pharmacist Liao Weicheng said that when choosing probiotics, it is recommended to choose whether the function of the strain meets the needs, more than 10 types, the content of the product is clearly marked, less additives, be careful with laxatives, probiotics containing prebiotics and postbiotics, and Strains with certified brands and research evidence; situational photos.

(picture taken from freepik)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report] There are all kinds of probiotics on the market, how to choose to eat with peace of mind?

Pharmacist Liao Weicheng said that when selecting, it is recommended to choose whether the function of the strain meets the needs, more than 10 species, the product clearly indicates the content, less additives, be careful with laxatives, probiotics containing prebiotics and postbiotics, and certified Brands, strains with research evidence.

Liao Weicheng posted on the Facebook page "Smiling Pharmacist Phar.Smile" that there are many eyebrows in the selection of probiotics, and picking the wrong formula is not only useless, but may even be self-defeating.

The general public can grasp the 9 key points when purchasing, and carefully observe the labels on the outer box of the product to avoid many thunderous goods.

Please read on...

​Whether the function of the strain matches the requirement.

​More than 10 types of strains.

​Products are only reliable if they clearly indicate the content of each strain.

​The fewer additives, the better.

​ ●Be careful with laxatives:

such as magnesium oxide, sugar alcohols, senna, etc., may make diarrhea worse.

​Select probiotics that contain prebiotics and postbiotics.

​Select fresh probiotics and produce them within half a year to be more effective.

​Select a factory that understands bacteria and has certification.

​Select strains with research evidence.

Liao Weicheng reminded that the dosage form, live/dead bacteria, cocci/bacillus, drug or food grade of probiotic products have their own advantages and disadvantages. Remember to understand your needs before choosing a product before purchasing.

For example, in the case of intestinal diarrhea caused by antibiotics, if you choose a probiotic formula containing senna leaves or magnesium oxide, it will stimulate the intestinal tract and make it worse.

The effect of too many strains is greatly reduced

As for why there are more than 10 types of strains?

Liao Weicheng explained that the living habits and three-dimensional structure of different probiotics are different, just like different people have their own habits of life. If you force many different races together, friction will inevitably arise.

For the same reason, it is reasonable to include 5-6 strains in a probiotic formula; but if more than 10 strains are added, it will reduce the colonization ability of the formula.

He further said that, however, there is currently no clear research to support this statement, and there is no hard evidence to point out the upper limit of bacteria in probiotic formulas.

However, some scholars believe that overly complex types of strains may reduce the stability of the formula, so don't be superstitious about the saying "the more types of strains the better", the important principle is to choose the strains that meet your needs.

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  • Health products

  • Probiotics

  • bacteria

  • Prebiotics

  • epigenetic element

  • additive

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