Getting enough water helps our body to regulate body temperature.

special things

  • Water is essential for a healthy body.

  • Drinking enough water helps in controlling the body temperature.

  • There is no one right rule when it comes to hydration.

Facts About Drinking Water: When it comes to hydration, a simple rule of thumb is to drink eight glasses of water every day, right?


There is a lot of misinformation surrounding hydration, including this common myth, which can make it difficult to separate fact from fiction.

Water is essential for a healthy body, because our body is mostly made up of water.

Getting enough water helps our bodies regulate body temperature, lubricate joints, prevent infection, transport nutrients to cells, and help organ systems function properly.

But, there is no one right rule when it comes to hydration.

We all have different needs.

Myths and facts about drinking water

Myths And Facts About Drinking Water

It is necessary to drink eight glasses of water every day to stay hydrated – Myth

Scientists do not confirm this rule.

The truth is that whenever the body needs water, it appears in the form of thirst.

There is no benefit to the body by drinking water without being thirsty.

According to recent research by the Institute of Medicine on this subject, women should aim to drink 2 liters of water per day and men should aim for 3 liters of water.

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Water flushes out toxins from the body – Fact

Water does not directly flush out the toxic elements from the body.

The toxins floating in the bloodstream are removed from the body by the kidney, but for this the kidney needs water.

Kidney filters out toxins from the blood and they exit the body with urine.

Drinking water keeps the skin clear and moisturized - Myth

There is no direct relation between the amount of water and your skin.

Although this is true to some extent, but not completely.

No matter how much water you drink, it cannot save your skin from getting dry.

The moisture level of the skin depends on skin care products, environment and genetics.

In summer, thin people can increase weight fast by eating 5 fruits, physical weakness will go away.

Drinking water will help in reducing weight – Fact

It is true that drinking water helps in reducing weight, but only drinking water throughout the day will not reduce weight.

It does not lead to weight loss directly but is helpful in starting the process of weight loss.

Drinking water before eating food will make you feel full and you will eat less.

If You're Thirsty You're Dehydrated - Myth

If you are thirsty, it means your body is giving you the signal to drink water.

However, this does not mean that you are dehydrated.

This is just a message of the need of water in the body. 

Disclaimer: This content provides general information only including advice.

It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion.

Always consult an expert or your doctor for more details.

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