Children suffering from autism spectrum disorders are a group that requires special attention and care.

Parents should be educated about the signs appropriate for each stage of the baby's development.

In this case, they can discuss the observed differences with the specialist and detect the problem in time.

APA reports that this was said by Aydan Jabbarova, a psychiatrist at the Mental Health Center of the Ministry of Health.

He said that based on the child's more pronounced symptoms, family members and relatives should pay attention to specificity in their behavior and approach:

"Furthermore, the method of education should be chosen depending on the level of development of the intelligence of such children. In some cases, intellectual development disorders are also recorded and educational opportunities are evaluated according to their degree. It should be noted that in some cases these children have talents in specific activities and their development is noticeable. results in progress.

When parents observe suspicious signs in their children, they should take into account that the family situation, upbringing methods, habits and problems of family members, including mental disorders, are definitely reflected in the development of children.

For this reason, disease is sometimes considered to be the effect of the environment, and the effect is considered to be a disease.

In these cases, the best step is to consult a specialist."