Enterovirus is about to enter the epidemic season, the Director of Health Tsang Tsz Chin taught children to wash their hands properly.

(Photo by reporter Cai Shuyuan)

[Reporter Cai Shuyuan/Report from Taichung] Enterovirus is about to enter the epidemic season. With the loosening of epidemic prevention measures for Wuhan pneumonia (new coronavirus disease, COVID-19), the risk of infection increases. The number of outpatient visits for children with enterovirus in Taichung is about 300 per week. It was three times that of the same period last year. Director of Health Zeng Zizhan served as a handwashing ambassador, and Uncle McDonald went to the kindergarten attached to Zhongxiao Elementary School in the West District to hold campus handwashing publicity and epidemic prevention, and 5 steps to prevent enteroviruses by washing hands correctly.

The Health Bureau pointed out that the monitoring data of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention showed that the number of outpatient and emergency visits to enterovirus in the country this year showed a slow upward trend. Last week, there were 2,988 outpatient and emergency visits, an increase of 16.1% from the previous week (2,573 visits). There are no confirmed severe cases of the virus in Taichung City, but the risk of enterovirus infection in the community is rising.

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Zeng Zizhan pointed out that the risk of enterovirus infection in the community is on the rise. Enteroviruses are more common among preschool children. The number of outpatients for enteroviruses in children is about 300 per week. Wear a mask and wash your hands frequently.

Zeng Zizhan, Uncle McDonald's and other kindergarten teachers also taught children to correctly learn the 5 steps of "wet, rub, rinse, hold, wipe" and "5 timings of washing hands" before eating, before playing with babies, after going to the toilet, and blowing their noses Before and after seeing a doctor, take home the knowledge of hand washing to share with your family members, and also remind the public to wear masks when going to crowded places, strengthen hand hygiene and respiratory cough etiquette, etc., to reduce the spread of enterovirus risk.

Zeng Zizhan reminded that most enteroviruses are mild, and the main symptoms are vomiting, diarrhea, fever, muscle pain, etc. Most patients can recover within 7 days, but pay attention to the signs of severe enterovirus symptoms, such as lethargy and muscle twitching If you have symptoms such as convulsions (sudden muscle contraction of the whole body similar to being frightened), persistent vomiting, shortness of breath or rapid heartbeat, you should go to the 13 hospitals responsible for enterovirus in this city for medical treatment as soon as possible. For relevant information, please visit the website of the Health Bureau Click "Prevention and Treatment of Infectious Diseases" under "Professional Services" to enter the "Enterovirus Zone" for inquiries.

Enterovirus is about to enter the epidemic season. The Health Bureau and Uncle McDonald's teach children to wash their hands properly.

(Photo by reporter Cai Shuyuan)

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  • fever

  • Enterovirus

  • diarrhea

  • Wash your hands frequently

  • Muscle ache

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